Assorted riddles and trick questions

Found a bunch of a riddles and trick questions I learned as a kid.

Q: How much dirt is in a 4ft x 4ft hole.
A: None, there is no dirt in a hole.

Q: Say shop.
Q: Spell shop.
Q: What do you do at a green light?

Q: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
A: The egg.

Q: A man has 1 match, 1 lantern, 1 stove, and 1 heater. What does he light first?

A: The match.

Q: Say silk 5 times.
Q: Spell silk.
Q: What do cows drink.

Q: A plane crashes on the border of the US and Canada. Where do you bury the survivors?
A: You don’t bury survivors.

Q: Say fort.
Q: Spell fort.
Q: What do you have soup with?

Q: You are driving a bus. At the first stop, 10 people get on. At the second stop, 5 people get off. At the third stop, 3 people get on, and 13 people get off. Who is the bus driver.
A: You.

Q: Jack’s mom has 5 sons, the first son is named firstCup, the second son is named secondCup, the third son is named thirdCup, and the fourth son is named fourthCup. What is the name of the
fifth son?
A: Jack.

Q: What is the center of gravity?
A: The letter V.

Q: Spell my name.
A: M-Y-N-A-M-E.

Q: A man an a woman go on a honeymoon to Paris. In Paris, the woman falls of the balcony and the man says it was a suicide. However, an airline official says: “This was not a suicide, it was a murder”. How did he know?
A: The man only buys a one way ticket for his wife.

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